Sunday, December 05, 2004

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Sunday December 5th, 2004 1:40PM Bangkok

I don't really have much to report; well, a couple things, but I'll get to them later.

Yesterday, I slept in and went to the Chatuchak Market in the northern part of Bangkok. The market is right off the Mo Chit terminus of the skytrain, so it only takes about 15 minutes to get there. I got a late start and got there because I was waiting on my friend Kan to get ready, so I finally got there around 2. Not a problem, except that it was completely PACKED! I hate crowds, always have, so going to places like Taste of Chicago, Summerfest, and the like are not my cup of tea.

The market itself has thousands of stalls selling everything imaginable from food, to housewares, antiques, plants, jewelry, animals (there are stories of illegal trade in animals, but I haven't even seen this part of the market), and clothing. The market encompases an area of at least 5 football fields and is just alive with activity. (Just got bit by another damn mosquito, god I hate those damn things) We only stayed for a couple hours as some of the aisles are only about three to four feet wide, so the crowd was really getting to us. I'll go back next Saturday morning and try to beat the rush.

Also, from what Kan was saying its better to go early to secure better prices. Negotiating is key to any transaction there, but you have to make sure that both parties make out. Offering a ridiculously low sum for an item is a bit insulting to the stall keepeer, so you have to keep a little tact, smile and try to get something that you and the stall keeper are good with. I'm not so good with it and usually will accept their second price unless I feel really strong about it. Plus, you always have the option of walking away which I have done from time to time.

Last night, I went out to the Hollywood disco with Kan and a couple of her friends. The place was packed to the gills, but the music (a combination of tech house and hip hop) was good. Toward the end of the evening, the recorded music ended and there were Thai musical acts performing live. It was pretty cool to see, but its still difficult to understand the lyrics (I'd say right now, I'm picking up about every tenth word). The club also offered bottle service (most of you are familiar with this, but for those who are not... You buy a bottle of your choice; ours was whiskey, for a set price with mixers and you keep the bottle. In some cases, they will store the bottle on premisis for you if you don't finish, you can pick it up and use it at a later date.) On the way back, Kan and her friends invited me to go to Pattaya for the day. I had to take a pass because I'm meeting Tananchanok this evening for dinner when she gets back to Bangkok and didn't want to miss her.

Today is the King's birthday, so there aren't a lot of places open. I ran and bought a couple more Thai language books to continue my studies and will probably just lounge therest of the afternoon until my phone rings.

Coming up: Time for a haircut and a straight razor shave...wish me luck