Friday, October 21, 2005

No World Series Tickets

Chicago, IL

And no chance of me going either. I'm not paying a minimum of $900 (for one seat) to sit in the nose bleed seats at US Comiscular. I have a strange feeling that I would pay that to see a Cub World Series game. Fat chance of that happening though.

Its Friday and I can't type for anything today. 26 days left until I get out of here for a month. A month, I can't even believe that I could pull it off. I'm excited to get out of here since the weather is starting to turn and there is talk of snow making an appearance during Game 1 of the WS tomorrow. Yup, I'm ready for temps in the 90's again.

I think I might have my Vietnam trip planned a little more now. Talked with a friend that has previously visited and was told that Hoi An is a must see. Hoi An is in the middle of Vietnam on the South China Sea near Hue (pronounced Whey) and Da Nang. I'm only worried about how long to go for. My thinking is to fly from BKK to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) or Saigon as its still called. Stay a couple days and see the sights and then take the train to Hue and work my way back to Hoi An and then Saigon and a flight back to BKK.

I really want to see Hanoi and Halong Bay also, but I'm not sure how to work it all in even with a month. Flying can get real expensive and the train in going to be slow, real slow.

Thankfully, for this trip I don't have a lot of additional purchases to make. I have my camera, memory cards, rechargeable batteries and charger. I need to look into extended battery life for my iPod so I have something to listen to on the plane, but will probably do that just before I go. All I really have to do this time out is pack and write out checks for bills before I leave. If I forget something, I'll get it there, or go without.

I'm still amazed at how fast the time is going. When will it ever slow down?